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Sage (Dalmatian) is used to counteract endless list of problems in humans. It curbs excessive sweating, treats depression, nervous anxiety and liver disorders and is also a miracle skin cure. It is also used for treating painful jellyfish stings and spider bites. Sage herb is the perfect antiseptic wash for dirty wounds and forms a part of most concoctions that treat persistent and recurrent coughs. The mixture of sage, white vinegar and water forms a good astringent for oily skin. Sage is known to contain natural estrogens and hence is used in most homeopathic medicines that improve circulation and treat menopausal problems. It is also used to relieve suppressed menstruation problems in women, as well as in the regulation of abnormal flow. Sage acts as a central nervous system stimulant and is also used in the treatment of varicose veins. This herb is also used in gargling solutions used to ease laryngitis and tonsillitis.