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Your Health, Is Our Happiness!
What Our Customers Think About Us & Our Products...

“I’ve been coming to The Herbal Gardens for about 8 years. The service is very good, and the products are second to none.”
– Larry Jackson

“I’ve been coming to The Herbal Gardens for about 8 months and I’m completely satisfied with the products that I purchase here, the customer service is very friendly, and I love the products that they have 100%.”
– Manuel Escharment

“When I stumbled upon you guys, it was just pure instinct. And from that day on it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The caring that goes into explaining what herbs work for whatever ails me is astounding. In today’s world where so many are after a quick buck, selling without care, The Herbal Garden’s staff and owner Diane amplifies the difference. I’m a believer in karma, and for generations to come, this is a family business that will be leaving it’s footprint in this world. A world of thanks to The Herbal Gardens!”
– Claire Piard

“I’ve been visiting this store for a number of years, and The Herbal Gardens is second to none in terms of service, quality of products, and an atmosphere of warmth. The Herbal Gardens has been serving the community with a very high reputation especially amongst the Caribbean market that can be a hard sell. That speaks volume.”
– Ralph

“Ever since I was a teenager, I have dealt with hormonal issues, irregular menstrual cycles, stress, back pain, and poor diet. The Herbal Gardens have helped me tremendously throughout the years to deal with all these issues! I have been taking the hormone mix, blood purifier, Soul, and also Life’s Fortune multivitamin on a daily basis to deal with all these problems. The hormone mix helped regulate my menstrual cycles, and it also helped with PMS. The blood purifier and Soul taken one after the other or either one helped deal with any type of pain, for me; headaches, cramping, and back pain (due to scoliosis and poor posture). Life’s Fortune multivitamin gave me energy, helped open my appetite, and also gave me the vitamins and nutrients my body was lacking. Thank you Herbal Gardens for educating and helping me with the issues that I’ve had!”
– Susana Traboulay

“As a believer in natural medicines I find The Herbal Gardens as a one stop for all my needs with great professional service and advice. I recommend The Herbal Gardens to all my friends.”
– Floyd Samuda

Dear Miss Galloway,
A year ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer in its final stage. She was admitted into the hospital and spent a total of two months there. During that time, her spine and also her lungs collapsed so she had to be permanently placed on oxygen. Her heart was barely functioning so she could not do chemotheraphy as it would kill her. On a daily basis her blood pressure averaged a rate of 160/140. She had to be kept on an IV with blood pressure medication, which did nothing to control it. She also lost over 60 pounds. The pain from the cancer was so intense that she had to be kept on a combination of Morphine, Oxycontin and Percocet, which barely did anything to control it. She could not get off the bed nor do anything whatsoever for herself.At the end of her stay in the hospital, her doctor told me that I needed to take her to Hospice because she was dying, and there was nothing else that they could do for her as none of the medications that they had given to her for the whole two months had worked. At that point someone told me to go to Ms. Diane Galloway to see if she could help her. She gave me a cancer mix and some other herbs. By that time, my mom was no longer conscious enough to swallow the capsules with the herbs. Apart from not being able to move herself, she could not talk, eat, nor open her eyes. Everyone who saw her gave up hope and told me that it was too late for the herbs to work. I opened the capsules and mixed them with apple sauce and gave this mixture to her. After a few days she was able to swallow the whole capsules. I have kept her on the herbs since that time and she has regained most of her strength. She has also regained a lot of her weight. She can now do everything for herself with no help whatsoever. I have not given her any blood pressure medication since she left the hospital and her pressure has been normal since.Most evenings when I get home, my dinner is already prepared. On her release from the hospital her cancer protein level was 8,000 and now it is down to 1,500. Her doctor and everyone that we know are very amazed at her progress. Any doubts that I had in the past about the healing nature of herbs have now disappeared because I know that they, with the help of God, have given back my mother’s life.
- AnnMarie Howard

“I’ve been an employee/customer for the Herbal Gardens for almost a year. If someone were to ask me what I love the most about the Herbal Gardens, it would be quality education. They educate you about the products and answer any questions you may have. These herbs have helped me so much from depression, skin texture, asthma, sweating, and common sicknesses. They are a natural and a healthier solution than prescribed medication. As a youth, I was prescribed pain killers from an accident. At first it was just for pain, but then I started to feel addicted. The doctor wouldn’t give me more, then I started to have withdrawals. As I started to work here I’ve taken a product called Soul, it has improved my brain function, I focused more in school, helped me lose weight, and also helped with my back pains! I thank The Herbal Gardens for helping me realize how precious this planet Earth is, it provided us with herbs that actually help any sickness or ailment, besides prescribed medication that eventually harms you in the end with the side effects.”
– Susana Traboulay

Dear Miss Galloway,
Good day to you and your staff. As a satisfied customer of yours, I feel compelled to let you know how much I thank you for the great service that you and W.A.V.S are doing for the community.For four years I have been suffering from an intestinal ailment and have been to doctor upon doctors, namely Internist, Gastroenterologist, Cardiologist, Urologist, OBGYN. You name it, I have been there. Having test like lower and upper GI’s, X-Ray’s, Pap smear’s, MRI’s, Colonoscopy, etc. All these doctors looking for a cause which no one could figure out.I have been given various prescription drugs. Which was supposed to help my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (so they claim) which did not help. In November of 1997, I was back to them complaining how much something is wrong and I how I desperately needed help.The doctor said to me, “Well Ms. Bellamy, sometimes people think they feel something physically wrong, when it’s really not there but up here, (touching his head).” With those words he wrote on my file, “Patient suffering from anxiety/depression, and I.B.S.” And wrote me a prescription for Prozac. That’s when I said to him, “doctor I know something is wrong with me. It may not be something to kill me, or I would be dead long ago, but one thing I do know is that I am NOT crazy”. I walked out of his office and decided I have to get your number and get a hold of you.The herbs you recommended have worked wonders for me. I no longer have the problem, I’m happy, and off all prescription drugs except for my blood pressure medication which I was put on in March of this year. I now request you to send me the high blood pressure mix we spoke about. I hope I did not bore you with my long letter, but I feel so indebted to you. Continue to do the service you do, it’s a vital service to us Caribbean people. When we come here we tend to adapt the American system and start popping a pill instead of sticking to our roots. Thank you Diane, keep up the good work.Sincerely yours,
- Joyce Bellamy

I am 49 years old and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life due to an accident I had in December of 1990. I am a spinal cord injury patient, paralyzed from the waist down. I have to wear a Folly Cater all the time, and lately I have had several urinary tract infections. I was told about you from a Jamaican nurse who was coming to my house to give me injections for an infection.I came out and purchased Bladder Mix and Golden Seal in capsule form. For the last three weeks my urine has been really clear and the first week I took my urine to my doctor and it was clear, no infections, so I will do that again this week on Tuesday or Wednesday. I really think it is working for me. I will tell everyone I know how it is working for me, and send you some customers.
- Randy Young

Dear Ms. Galloway,
I want to express my sincere thanks for the herbs you recommended for my thyroid problems that I was diagnosed with in March of this year. I opted not to go on prescription medicines but decided on using herbs instead. Yesterday, October 18, after being on the herbs you recommended I went to my primary care physician for the results of my recent blood tests and have to let you know that my thyroid functions were all normal. Thank God for your assistance and knowledge in leading me back to health.
- Pauline Brown, Sunrise, FL